Wednesday, February 2, 2011


"A blog is like an online diary", a friend who introduced me to blogging said. And till date, I've not written anything I would write in my diary. Yes, there are posts with subtle hints of secrets, but there is nothing interesting like plain confessions!

I'm not a saint and yes I've been jealous of people. The first instance when I remember feeling jealous was in my 6th standard. The girl sitting next to me, Lovely, just as her name suggests had a lovely handwriting!  Those where the days when my English teacher would tear pages of my English classwork owing to bad handwriting. Imagine the poor me, having to rewrite almost every single prose lesson!*sob sob*

I'd sit next to her and envy her perfect handwriting and curse myself,"Damn it, why couldn't I write like her?". I still remember her brown hero pen. It was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!( Rafael Nadal wasn't famous at that time :P) She knew I was jealous of her, and she'd purposely write her name again and again on her books with that pen. I made my dad to get me a hero pen of the same color but I wasn't any good. I'd often end up fighting with her. We were silly enough to measure the desk and draw lines to mark our territory.

One thing that made me happy was, I used to get better grades than her. I almost considered her getting lesser marks as my victory over her. I'd smirk as I ask," How much did you get?". I was so hell-bent in getting even that I failed to be friends with her.

Thankfully, I got to know her much better in my 11th and 12th standards. Even though we had our differences we made the best out of our relationship. One question we often hear in school, "What do you want to be in the future?" In my 9th std I told,"Teacher". In my 12th I was told to tell,"Doctor". What am I now? Another Engineer! But when Lovely said, "Pilot", all we could say was, "Too ambitious". And today she's realized her dream and made herself a woman to salute! Kudos to you Lovely!

Women like Lovely, as the lesser known Kalpana Chawlas. Its an honor to have known her and still know her. Yes I do keep in touch with her, and I'm not jealous anymore, just proud that she's my friend! I still admire her handwriting. Thanks to my 6th std English teacher,now, I have a handwriting that I can flaunt! Jealousy had blinded me then, that I failed to realize what a wonderful person she is.

Being jealous isn't wrong, as long as you grow our of it! :)

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