Tuesday, December 13, 2011

What's your filler?

Of late I have realized that each of us have our own personal brand of fillers. From the widely used "Actually" to the wrongly used "Literally", people use fillers all the time.

I use fillers too. I might slip in fillers at certain circumstances, and sometimes needlessly. But these are my usual "Filler Circumstances"
  •  I am trying to sound intelligent. But, my brain adamantly refuses to accelerate. "Damn you!", I curse myself, "If only you could be smarter".
  • I am in a tricky situation, and probably thinking about lying. The circumstance might vary between, "Hey, are you free this weekend?" or "Have you committed your code?"
  • I am in Neverland. I have totally tuned people out, and quite possibly don't even hear a word of what the other person is saying. I am probably dreaming of Rafael Nadal or imagining myself to be in a kick-ass sci-fi movie. Yes, I dream that:|
  • Among friends. Some of them are pulling my leg for some quirk of mine, and I am trying to retaliate with something sarcastic(very desperately).
  • Lastly, I am in the middle of slandering someone/something for being… ummm… stupid, perhaps. Yeah, I can be mean :|
That said, my favorite fillers are
                     A long "ummmmmmmmm"
                     A "You know" with my eyes not making contact

I do not mind people using fillers. In fact, I make a note of what fillers people use, and I find it amusing.

Sometimes fillers people use are funny. Funny, in an good way. One of my colleagues uses, "Ahh, yes." I find it funny, and mimic him as often as possible.

Sometimes they are cute. Like when someone says, "Right", and tries to move on.

But sometimes, they are downright pathetic. I hate it when the dudes and babes use it to, you know, "sound cool". It makes me want to gag when someone tries to talk English, walk English, and even stalk English. I would rather call it Ape English. You might want to add a similarly rhyming word if you want ;)

The filler that I am most amused it with was "Yeah, now..." I am sure I heard it somewhere, by someone. It sounds so cool!

There are so many people, and so many fillers. Moreover, I hear new fillers day in and day out. Most of them amuse me. Some of them irritate me. But, I make a note nonetheless.

So, what filler do you use? 

Friday, December 2, 2011

A forgotten myth...

I always knew that the male kind from Jane Austen books never existed. Well, at least in my world. But, I secretly hoped that guys would be gallant. As a matter of fact, every girl does.
I am sure that most of the male population say that they are gallant/chivalrous. "Hey, I pay for my girlfriend", one might say to prove that he is gallant. Mind you, he does not want to be gallant; he just wants to prove that he is. Monetary gallantry is not really gallantry. She is your girlfriend. Pay for her. There is nothing to be proud about that.
In their minds, gallantry towards the general female species probably just means not stamping you on the foot in a crowded bus or in some rare cases letting you board a bus before he does. Guys today probably live by that definition.
At times, I am appalled that men are so oblivious to the simplest of courtesies.
Don’t let her walk, when you drive.
Don’t let her wait, while you probably are still asleep.
Don’t take her for granted.
Don’t assume.
For some odd reason, men apply the above only to family and of course the girlfriend. Mind you even friends are not included in this small circle in their small minds.
He might be your friend. You might be upset that he wasn’t caring enough. If you confront him the answer might be like, “Sorry. It never struck me” If you don’t, he is happily oblivious to the fact that you are upset, and expect you be all rosy when he talk the next time. And if you are not, before you know it, he is complaining to his friends that you have been acting uptight recently, and that he does not know the reason why.
What is even worse? You talk to you brother/another guy friend about it, and he says, “Don’t make a big deal out of it.” This is when your BFF comes into play. There are a few things that only girl friends can provide, and that being unconditional love, care, and support. Because she knows that, she needs it too. You can whine all you want. She will not advise or criticize. She'll just say, "It's alright. I'm there for you".
It is rare to have a male friend who will treat you like you want to. One who is worried about you. Worried that you are safe. Worried that you happy. Reading between the lines. Hoping that you are alright. If you do have a one. He is truly a George Knightley indeed.