Thursday, June 16, 2011

Pick me... Pick me...

He was almost six feet tall, with friendly green eyes and closely cropped chestnut colored hair. He had a rectangular face, with a firm jaw line and thin lips. He wore rimless spectacles, and a very affable smile. In short, a totally handsome guy!

I was so absorbed into taking notes of what he was doing that I failed to realize that a bunch of other people were also there. Most of them held high posts within the department. In fact, the president and the vice president were also there. I was just a newbie.

Roberto and Stephane were intently listening to Rozario, and were nodding their heads a few times. Valerie was having an animated discussion with Alberto. Rakesh did not take part in their conversations. He was observing everyone in the room, and when he cast a look at us, I became super-nervous. When I realized that he was smiling at us, I felt a little better. Jacques was absent from the meeting. He would have made the meeting less imposing.

As the higher-ups were discussing delegation, I was praying, “Please God. Make him pick me. I promise to be good” I am sure Dhivya, a fellow newbie was praying for the same. We both knew that both of us wanted to work under him. The two other recruits Raja, and Purush were probably just hoping for a good profile.

Guys in the NBA Draft would have felt less nervous. I probably looked like a lost puppy. After a few minutes of discussion, their attention turned towards us. Then, Alberto turned towards me and said, “You”, he paused. I rose from my chair and headed towards him nervously. “Come with me” he said, and led me out of the meeting room. As I was heading out, I saw Dhivya talk to her new boss. She saw me too, and gave me a knowing smile.

By the way, Alberto was the totally handsome guy I was talking about ;)

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