Friday, October 29, 2010


The bus started to move,and a wail..
Everyone look back and find a small girl wrapped in her mommy's arm, cry.
"Aaawww!",everyone said,
All of sudden, someone near gestured the couple to give her the baby for a while.
The new face interested her, especially the long earrings the lady was wearing.
She started to giggle, and it was fun all the while!!
At the end of the ride, she was everyone's pet.

There she was, clinging on to her elder cousin..
"Such an angel!", people used to say.
"Kaa enathuu icheam vaangi thaduviya?(Will you buy me an ice-cream?)", she used to ask,
With a twinkle in her eye, and eagerness in her voice.
Who could say no??
After the ice-cream, she pulls her akka's dhavani,
Startled, the elder bends down, "Enna ma?(What sweetie?)"
mmuaaah..A vanilla flavored kiss!!

Her eyes wide open, she used to stare at him!
For her, he was superman!!
Such wonderful tricks he used to do, just with a piece of paper!!
"naa, enaku kathi kappal senju kudaen (Make me a paper ship, please!)", she used to nag him.
"mudiyadu podi(I won't... Get lost!)", he used to tease her.
Her eyes droop with a dejected look, and he melts,
"Unaku illama vera yaruku ma??(If not for you, then who?)"
In a few minutes she'll be sailing in the pacific!
With her superman-anna's indestructible Ship!!

"Yay!!",One can hear the clapping of hands,
She used to sport the look of an architect,
Just like how Shah Jahan felt proud of his Taj Mahal!!
"Amma,inga paaren!!(Mom look)",she would call her mommy to look at her accomplishment!
Just as she turns,she would find her naughty younger brother invading her dream fortress!!
To dust it would go,just like her pride!
Tears rolling down she would look at her bro,"Sorry atha(Sorry Sis)"
A loving hug and a roll on the sand would make her feel better!!

"Ok,ready..go"...She would find all her friends teasing her
"Catch me if u can!!"
She would scan for the easiest target,yeah,target locked..
Just as she tries to catch him,she hears a voice..
"Enna pidika muidyadhe!!(Can't catch me!)",that would make her turn,
"Ok m coming",She knew that the target was elusive,
Yet she would try,cuz she never gave up easily!

Days roll by..

She smiles..And someone smiles back..
"Aaww cho chweet!!",she readily goes near the child and takes her into her arm,
A kiss!!

rewind >>

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