Friday, October 29, 2010

Tough Luck

Monday morning
"Hey, let's not go by train today. We will be late. We've HOD's hour first…"
On the other end of the phone, "Ok, if u say so!”

Later that day…
"Damn, why should it be today?"
I rush to check on the bus driver-
"How much more time will it take?"
I turn to look at my friend. I search for her (read as pretend), and murmur to nobody in particular.
"I saw a friend a while ago, now all I see is a fiend"
"Sorry di", I look at her. She replies, "Nice plan di. Early to college…"
I give her a sheepish grin and mutter,” Tough luck!"

The day before university examinations

"Hey, I know da, don’t fret. It is safe to omit half of all the units. After all, we get either-or questions!"
On the other end of the phone, "Ok, if u say so!"

Exam hall

I feel uneasy on seeing the question paper, and bend my head a little to look at my friend.
Yeah, you are right, I see a fiend.
I manage to give her an uneasy smile, and a mouthed "All the best!"

After the exam, I run up to her and ask, "How was the paper?"
All I get in return is a stare.
"Tough luck!", I say to myself.

Final year, preparing for the HR interview
"Hey, don't worry. Just speak the truth and look at the HR person's eyes when you speak. Ok?"
He looks at me, and sighs,” Since you're telling…"

I look at him from a distance. The HR person hands over a paper to him.
*tick tock tick tock*
He hands over the paper. The HR person asks him to leave.
"Hey, what happened?”
He answers,” She told me to write an essay about myself.
I wrote the truth. After reading that, she told me to leave"
"Oops… tough luck!”, I manage to give him a smile and move away uneasily.

What is that with luck and me?
Lady luck never seems to smile on me.
Whenever I try to do something good for the people I love, I end up causing a disaster!
Sheesh I'm too unlucky…

At college, with friends

I tell them all I feel about my luck. She gets mad and hits me hard on my back.
She goes, "Fool! It happens all the time. It’s all in the game ya. Forget it, I know you care for me and that’s what matters!!"
And he goes, "What? Grow up. You're such a kid. Thanks for helping me out though. I'll be looking forward to such lucky situations in the future."

And yeah, that's the bottom line!!
Lucky or unlucky, Friends Forever!

Dedicated to my loving friends at college

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