Friday, November 25, 2011

Sometimes, what you see is not always what it really is..

I see him almost every morning at the bus stop. There was something peculiar about him.

Who was he? He looks so out of place. Where was he from? He does not seem like waiting for a bus. So why is he at the bus-stop daily?

His face had lines,
His eyes lacked shine,
He was an inch or two taller,
His clothes were simple,
With luggage always in tow,
Looked like he travels far,
What made him stand out?
The curve on his face,
He wore a smile, almost forever.

Take one look at him, and
He would not seem out of the ordinary.
Look twice and you may see the difference.
What was he? I asked myself.

Although I was intrigued, I prefer to watch him from a distance. At times, he would catch me staring at him. When he does, I pretend as though I am looking out for our office bus.

It was almost a month since the day I first saw him at our bus-stop. I was a good ten minutes early that day. None of my office colleagues was there yet. I was fidgeting with my mp3 player, and as I turned around towards the road leading up to the bus stop, I saw him. He was the same. However, he was doing something different; he was walking up to me.

I never expected this to happen. Was he going to ask me why I stare at him? What would I answer? Infact, what lie would I tell him?

So many questions clouded my mind in the few seconds. I tried to put up an act of searching my bag for something that never existed, trying to ignore him. I was hoping against hope that he would cross me and go. Alas, it wasn’t my lucky day.

He stopped a couple of feet away from me. I desperately tried to ignore him. I heard him clear his throat. Defeated and embarrassed, I looked up.  

Even though I saw him almost everyday, he looked different today. Perhaps, he was the same and I failed to look beyond skin. ‘What does he want with me?’ I peered hopelessly into his face.

A face, which looked much different     
A face, which had much more layers

His face had lines.
They also had scars.
His eyes lacked shine.
They also lacked hope.
His clothes were simple.
And, all too large.
He was an inch or two taller,
In bygone days, he was much taller perhaps.
With luggage always in tow, looked like he travels far,
Sadly, he never had a home.

And that’s when I realized,
He wore a smile, almost forever.
Perhaps it was a way to hide, always and forever.

Yes, look twice and you may see the difference.
And finally, I did.
Old and Broken.
That was what he was.

Interrupting my thoughts, in a raspy voice he asked, “Kaasu irundha kudu ma?”(“Can you please spare me some change?”)

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